




听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。B. A math teacher. C. A student.材料10. Why did Sally fail to attend the party?A. She missed the bus to the party.B. She had a bad headache.C. She cared for her grandfather.


He added that the Chinese people had consistently worked to achieve new advances andbreakthroughs in space exploration 61. 1992 when the program started.“And in____recent years we 62. (work) to build the China Space Station, making our previous____China's‘three-step’dream 63. reality, ”he said. China's next-generation carrier____rocket has a thrust(驱动力) of over 2, 600 tonnes, three times more than the Long March-5Bcarrier rocket, according to Zhang Zhi, the chief designer of the vehicle from China Academyof Launch Vehicle Technology.The Long March-5Bis 64. (current) the most powerful heavy-lift launch vehicle____in China, 65. is responsible for transporting the core module and two lab modules____for China's space station.“The academy is also developing a reusable rocket for low-Earthorbit transportation, ”Zhang added. The exhibition will run for three months.Passage 4



26. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?A. The couple didn't get prepared before setting out.B. The couple went ahead of the re st at the last minute.C. The couple made a great fortune with what they shot.D. The couple had been married for 25 years before the accident.


听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What did the woman do this morning?A. She visited a bookstore.B. She read a book to her kid.C. She searched for books online.