皖智教育 安徽第一卷·百校联盟2024届中考大联考英语试卷答案

皖智教育 安徽第一卷·百校联盟2024届中考大联考英语试卷答案试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于皖智教育 安徽第一卷·百校联盟2024届中考大联考英语试卷答案试卷答案得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、皖智教育 安徽第一卷·百校联盟2024届中考大联考英语试卷答案听力部分

26. Which can best describe Kristin?A. Humorous and careful. B. Ambitious and positive.C. Warmhearted and friendly. D. Hardworking and considerate.

take for granted. But if you start to look at all the things to be grateful for, your brain will beginto watch for more of the same.A.Accept and changeB.Be grateful for everythingC.You will need to learn to change your thoughtsD.It's difficult to have two opposing thoughts at onceE.Negative thinking can take hold of us for many reasonsF.The first thing to do is become aware of what you're thinkingG.You can change your thoughts to deal with things realistically and with optimism

2、皖智教育 安徽第一卷·百校联盟2024届中考大联考英语试卷答案选择题部分

皖智教育 安徽第一卷·百校联盟2024届中考大联考英语试卷答案

6.What is the woman going to do?A.Prepare lunch. B.Have a party. C. Go to a friend's.

皖智教育 安徽第一卷·百校联盟2024届中考大联考英语试卷答案

30. What's Luch kow's purpose of making the film?A.To tell the life stories of Cha shu villagers.B.To call on people to live harn i ously with nature.C.To report how Chinese people work hat d to become rich.D.To convey the ancient tea trees' gratitude to villagers.