



15.At first, Ryan's plan was just to build a single well somewhere in Africa and he didn't expect____that he such a great difference to people's lives.A.made B.has made C.would makeD.had made

____Her best 47 was the rehab center, but that was on the other side of town.How was she____going to 48 a 17-pound s wan on her bike all that way. Luckily, some 49 driving by____offered her, her bike and the swan a(n) 50 to the rehab center.____________Staff members at the rehab center 51 that the swan might have lead (错) poisoning. They____got the swan backup on her feet. 52 , the swan had a bacterial infection. Two months afterJenny came to her 53 , she passed away.It’s a(n) 54 ending, but the story shows just how far people are willing to go to 55____animals.41.A.butterfly B.dolphin C.frog D.swan42.A.knew B.revealed C.confirmed D.admitted43.A.leave B.protest C.move D.scare44.A.moral B.chemical C.particular D.medical45.A.intelligently B.carefully C.preciously D.bravely46.A.sprang to mindB.came up with C.gave rise to D.put forward to47.A.strategy B.solution C.theory D.support48.A.deliver B.export C.transport D.harm49.A.strangers B.workers C.nurses D.doctors50.A.access B.lift C.favor D.attempt51.A.assumed B.illustrated C.informed D.determined52.A.Accidentally B.Gradually C.Sadly D.Consequently53.A.rescue B.habitat C.help D.nest54.A.unexpected B.natural C.destructive D.disappointing55.A.raise B.track C.save D.damage



A.Excited. B.Tired. C.Bored.3.What's the weather probably like today?A.Sunny. B.Snowy. C.Rainy.


20.What is the speech about?A:Ideas on dealing with stress.B.Where the stress comes from.C. How stress influences students.