




17.Why is a good nickname essential for socializing?A.It adds to the fun.B. It quickly brings people closer.C. It distinguishes one from others.



第一节 (共15小题:每小题I分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A,B,C、D四个选项巾选出可以填人空 处的最佳选项,In 2016, Lorna challenged her 12-year-old sun S i vert to distance himself from social media uist il hewas 18. If he 41 the challenge, she'd award him 51, 800 on his 18th birthday. (n Fcb ruary 19.2022.Sivert claimed(索取)hīs 42 .or na was inspired bya 43 she heard onthe radin called the“I6 nt i”, wle rs a mot her gaveher d aug ltr $l, f w her s le tutred I6if she 44 sial rcd is.Siver i said it was n’t loo 45 tu live withoul scial cdia, and he didn't think about it muchduring the six years. As a 12 year old, Siver t said be was n't using social media much 46 . Be lore