




阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B,C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Christmastime is generally thought of as joyful . But 40 years ago, it was a 41 timefor my wife, Geri, and me. Both of us were about to lose our 42 . I was an educator andGeri was a psychologist. To make matters 43 , we had loans(贷款) on two house s at atime when interest rates hovered(徘徊) at 16%, We wanted to 44 one o f our houses, butthe sale 45 at the last minute.____A place to call 46 looked extremely hopeless for us. Yet we 47 to celebrateChristmas in our new house before we faced the terrible 48 of becoming homeless. So wedid something crazy:We 49 a Christmas tree.

1.What is the man going to do first?C. Fill in some forms.A. See the doctor.B. Attend a meeting.



第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)For many years, human beings have been trying to conquer nature, but never succeeded. What's____worse, nature has got angry. It often shows 56 (it) power and teaches human beings different____lessons in various 57 (way) , such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, sandstorms, typhoons,droughts, landslides, tornadoes, and volcanoes. Any of them can cause terrible disasters. For example,on March 11, 2011, 58 huee earthuake struck Japan, 59 cause) a terrible tsunami.____Many cars, ships and buildings 60 (ruin) by a ten-metre-high wall of water. Thousands of peoplewere confirmed dead. The total energy released by the quake was equivalent to the explosion of 6.7____trillion tons of TNT, 61 is about a thousand times the total power of all the world's nuclearweapons. Another event was the “huge volcanic eruption in leeland" in 2010. It caused enormousdamage to air travel across western and northern Europe because 62 the large quantities ofvolcanic ash.All of these show how 63 (power) nature is.Compared with the great power of nature, human beings are so weak and even so helpless in face ofthe destruction caused by natural disasters. It would be unwise of us 64 (fight) against or even tryto conquer nature.On the contrary, we should try to lear how to live with nature 65 (peaceful) .


30.What is the author's attitude toward the study?DA.Cautious. B.Negative. C. Consistent. D/Sympathetic.