



Andres parents are art lovers and collectors. They began 44 Andres to modernpaintings when he was just a kid. The young boy soon began 45 famous artworks withgreat accuracy. His father, Lupe, says, “When he was 4 or 5, my wife and I would 46 himpaint and do sketches(素描) , and we were really surprised at what he would do. "By age six, the 47 artist was selling his watercolor paintings to family and friends forS20 a piece. Over time, Andres began creating large-scale paintings with a 48of oil stick.and oil and acrylic paints. His masterpieces were all 49 contemporary artists like Picasso.Bernie Chase, a family friend and owner of an art gallery, recognized Andres’50 fromthe start. He bought the young boy's artwork every time he 51 and even paid S 5, 000 forone. In 2022, the young boy held his first 52at Chase's gallery. The 35 paintings 53were sold for between S 50, 000 and $125, 000 each.When not painting, And res is a 54 fifth-grader with math homework.“My son is anartist, but he is a 55 first, ”his mother said.“He is a child, not a celebrity.”41.A.victory B.progress C.fame D.effect42.A.case B.model C.lesson D.honor43.A.wasted B.paid C.spent D.earned44.A.showing B.leading C.exposing D.adapting45.A.learning B.appreciating C.analyzing D.copying46.A.watch B.make C.help D.find47.A.generous B.ambitious C.honest D.brave48.A.variety B.sort C.mixture D.system49.A.attached to B.aimed at C.recognized asD.impacted by50.A.gift B.courage C.effort D.intelligence51.A.discovered B.visited C.admired D.analyzed52.A.ceremony B.celebration C.exhibition D.party

7. What will the woman do next weekend?A Do some walking. B. Ride her bike. C. Go swimming.



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AFour Best Museums in Hong KongHong Kong Biodiversity MuseumHong Kong Biodiversity Museum is the city's first museum to only focus on biodiversityIt houses over 15000 specimens(标本) of various animals and plants, with some specimensdating as far back as the early 1920s. Aside from promoting environmental education and theappreciation of biodiversity, it also supports scientific research on threatened s nec providing a platform for the public to learn more about the preservation and import a biodiversity and ecosystems.Opening hours: Wednesday: 2:00 pm-8:45 pm Saturday to Sunday: 10:30 am-5:15 pm


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Global climate change is not a future problem. Now, effects that scientists had longpredicted would result1)lobal climate ch as sea ice loss, accelerated sea levelrise, and longer and more intense heat wav0.5urur) and threatening the earth. Somechanges, including droughts, wildfires and extreme rainfall are happeningfsteist) thanscientists previously a sessed. In fact, modern humans have never before seen the observedchanges in our global climate, some ofare irreversible(不可逆转的) over the nexthum dreds to thousands of years.mtScientists are igh confident that global tempera tires will conf in ue t o r is formany decades, mainly due to greenhouse gases produced by human activities.+1reported that human emissions(排放) of heat-trapping gases have already warmed the climateby nearly 1.1C since preindustrial times starting in 1750. The global average temperaturerise is expected to reach 1.5℃ within the next few decades.The severity of effectscacese08a use) by climate change will depend on the path of future比human activities. More greenhouse gas emissions will lead to more climate re me)and widespread damaging effects across our planet. However, those future effects depend onamount of carbon dioxide we emit. So, if we can reduce emissions, we are likelyvoid) some of the worst effects.