



4.When does the library close on weekendsA./AAt 5 o'clock.B.At6o'clock.C. At 7 o'clock.5. What is the man going to buy for his sister?CA.A watch____ B.A book. C.A rabbit.

Upon arriving, Hill prepared to climb 25 feet through mud and dirt under the house.With a flashlight in her hand, she began her 44 mission. She made her way through the45. In the weak light, she noticed the deer seemed unmoving and artificial. Despite her46, she de ided to continue working, 47by the onlookers (旁观者) , who cheeredher onWhen Hil finally 48 the deer, she found it was n’t a re al one at all. 49, it was a____plastic toy. A bit sill as she felt, she was eventually 50 to confirm that no animal was indanger . 51 being covered in dirt after the unexpected mission, she felt relaxed and justlaughed at herself, “It is foolish of me to 52 the toy for a living deer. But the incidentshowed a strong sense of 53 of a local wildlife rescuer to save the animal.“It is our dutyto rescue the animals in need. Indeed, we often 54 to do some training. So I just regardthis as a practice course, ”she added. The experience served as a reminder that thecontributions of wildlife rescuers should be 55 and supported.41. A. killed B.employed C. trapped D. monitored42.A. hesitation B.escape C. agreement D.gratitude43. A. curious B.eager C.unwilling D. unhurried44. A. launch B.publish C.collection D.rescue45. A. midnight B. darkness C. clinic D. bush46. A. fitness B.failure C. doubt D. disappointment47. A. inspired B.defended C. confused D. frightened48. A. fed B.hid C. harmed D. reached49. A. Instead B.Therefore C.Previously D. Especially50. A. annoyed B.relieved C. sensitive D. upset51. A. In case of B. In memory ofC. In spite of D. In place of



i 4. What does Mathias think of the current use of gestures in classrooms?A.Irregular. B.Over-estimated.C.Misleading. D.Inadequate.


71. The writer asked his friend to .____A.put the key under the doormatB.come to his office fir,C.go into the house by himself and get something to eat and drinkD. wait for him outside the house