




own 47"This was hopefully a life lesson that you're never too old to try something and that you'renever to o old to 48 yourself, ”Emily said.Delightedly, she 49 achieved her gol, with her loving familyby her side.Though Emily currently works in an American company, she hopes to use her new degree to 50ajob in the new field.I've always wanted to get into some kind of 51 , whether it is teaching ortraining, ”she said.She is exploring her 52.She thinks she has at least 10 years left to pick herwork.Work keeps her active . 53 what she wants people to learn from her story, Emily said, "Try a fewtimes and you can do it.Its 54 to fail at something failure is everywhere in your life Just take it as alearning experience and give it another 55.”41.A.graduated fromB.learned from C.applied for D.searched for42.A.normal B.shameful C.extraordinary D.upsetting


2.What does the woman intend to do??C. To go home quickly.A.To wait in the queue.B. To see another film.



9.What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Daughter and fatherB.Husband and wife.C.Boyfriend and girlfriend.


22.What is special about English Made Easy?A.It has audio recordings. B.It centres on grammar.C.It is created by two authors.D.It is divided into two parts.