



Then another young man waved at Lee and tried to 44 to him to get out of the jeep.However, it seemed that Lee, 45, didn’t really know what to do next, just sitting on thesat. 46 , he couldn’t move at all.____Things looked extremely 47. As Salmon and the young man became 48 in face ofthe emergency, more people came. Then someone found there was an animal in the jeep.Slm on immediately jumped into the 49, got to the jeep and tried opening the back door.It was locked, and he had to 50 the back window and 51 to get Lee out, whose foots 52 because of being caught between the center console(控制台) and the se at. SoSlm on gently pushed Lee back towards the front. Just then, four more passers-by 53er to help pull Lee and his dog to safety.Finally, the rescue workers arrived. Lee was transported to a nearby hospital. Neither het his dog was injured while Salmon was only treated for a minor 54 from the brokens s How 55 they were!B.shake C. showA. fallD. pushC.instantA.reasonB.strike D.errorC.streetA.borderB. blackboard D. shorelineB.signal C. returnA. driveD. explainA.aat a lossB.at no cost C. in shame D. in reliefC. Somehow.ThereforeB.Instead D.OtherwiseC.vaguereliableB.promising D.urgentC.patientaggressiveB.anxious D. peacefulB.pool C. riverA. shipD. water


9.What is the woman's hometown probably famous for?A. Potatoes. B.Tomatoes. C.Carrots.



22.What is special about Thredbo?A.It features Australia's longest ski run.B.It has the steepest ski run in Australia.C.It is the largest ski resort in Victoria.D.It s its at the foo t o a huge mountain.


&30. What is Carl A. Batt’s attitude to the fishy smell?A. Objective.B. Negative.C. Acceptable. D.Unclear.