



9. When will the fina is on Sunday afternoon start?A.At 2:00. B.At 2:30. C.At3;00.10. What does Jane decide to do finally?A. Go to the club. B. Give up her writing.C. Go to the finals.

Once the centre of the powerful and extremely wealthy Inca Empire, much of SouthAmerica was governed by Spain from the sixteenth century. Peru gained its independence fromSpain in 1821. The capital of Peru is Lima, which is in the north on the coast. The ancientInca capital, Cuzco, is found high in the Andes. It is a popular tourist destination as it is closeto the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu. Cuzco is a lively city where both Indianand Spanish culture and art can be seen.21.How many geographical parts is Peru made up of?A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.



16.What will the man do tomorrow?A.Give the woman a ride.B.Change his schedule.C.Tell the woman his decision.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。


31.What is the main purpose of Paragraph 3?A.To introduce poplar bears. B.To recommend some activities.C.To show various animals in Churchill.D.To attract more travellers.