



5.What does the man mean?A. He is a sports lover.B.He likes watching TV.C.The woman should play baseball.

29. What can be inferred from the previous efforts?A. The most effective way to trap CO 2 has been found.B.Hacckining the high seas can replace getting rid of fossil fuels.C. The technology has caused severe side effects messing the oceansD. New technologies for trapping CO2 in the se a are already available.



today It happens toBack in the car, Dad said to me, “The cashier was obviously 54 liteveryone. Smile 55 or give a few kind words, which is all it takes to make one a littlemore delighted.”41. A. owns B.describes C visitsD. recommends42.A. supermarket B.hospitalC.restaurantD. company43. A.hiking B.campingC.exploringD shopping44. A. imagined B. believedC.noticedD. rememberedD.polite45. A.beautiful B.unhappy C.professionalD.offered46. A. received B. needed C, avoidedD. friendly47. A. suitable B.frightening C.specialD.forgot48. A. helped B.refused C.waited49. A. problem B. idea C.hopeD.experience50. A. talking to B.looking after C.going afterD.laughing at51. A. work B.play C.tourD.exercise52.A.drive B.tie C.treatD.lead53. A. quitted B. finished C.missed D.regretted54. A. in peace B.in danger C. in a hurry D.in low spirits55. A. warmly B.immediately C.secretly D. comfort ably第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


34.What is the feature of the school curriculum in some countries?A. It focuses more on the memorising of facts.B. It prioritises the students’ creative thinking.C. It takes a complex approach to learning.D. It contributes to high-level thinking.