




阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Some theme parks not only make people feel 56(amaze) but also are educational.____Take the Polynesian Cultural Center PCC) in Hawaii for example. It not only shows visitorsthe Polynesian way of life but also 57(protect) their skills and culture for the future.____Polynesia is 58 name given to the groups of small islands 59 are spread about the____Pacific Ocean.60 (villager) from many island communities come to the Polynesian island villages toshow visitors their styles of dress and different customs. 61(actual) you can learn how____they make clothes from bark(树皮) and how they climb very tall trees with their barefeet.One of the important skills for Polynesians is boat-building. It allows the islanders62(explore) all the islands in the Polynesian Triangle. We know that in their history they



35.What is the best title for the text?A.Learning Two Languages at OnceB.Ways of Learing a New LanguageC. Language Talent of Chinese Suu dentsD.Difficulty in Leaming Language