



14. Why is the man nervous?A. Because this is his first time to China.B. Because he knows nothing about Chinese table manners.C. Because he doesnt know whether he likes Chinese food or not.

A:Excuse me, sir?B: Yes? 76. ?____A:Could you please give me a ride?B: Sure.77. ?where are eyou going____A:T X i an Xian yang International Airport.B:Im going there too. Get in, please.A:78.____.B:Do you come here for traveling?A:No. I come here on businesss. what doyou thinkB:79. ?____ofA:I like Xi'an very much. It's beautiful and the people here are friendly, but Chinese is toodifficult for me.Could you give me some advice on how to learn Chinese?B:Sure.80.____A:Thank you for your advice and thank you for giving me a ride.B:You're welcome.



17. Who is Jennifer?A.A Helpline worker.B.A university tour guide.C.The students'union president.


34. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Nvidia will lose its dominance definitelyB. Nvidia probably should improve its chips.C. Alphabet has weakened CUDA's hold.D. Amazon will defeat Nvidia soon.