




A. To cancel a visit.B.To make an appointment.C. To give some information.4. What did the speakers do last week?A. They moved their houseB. They stayed at a hotel.C. They made a special meal.5.Who is the woman probably?

第一节完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My grandmother is the woman who shapes me It’s particularly 41 because this is the first year of my lifethat she has n’t been with us, but she continues to 42 me in so m any ways.She was a devoted wife, a loving mother and a 43 grandmother. She was the 44 o f our family. She grewup in an era before women were expected to have 45, but having left school in her teens, she worked hard to46a business with my grandfather, 47 to save enough money to send my father to a good school.She was famous for her 48, so everyone loved her cakes. She always got involved and helped out, spending50 years of her life 49 their local village committee . She 50 good memories, saying how she would keep themin her 51 and get them out whenever she wanted the pleasure of recalling the 52She wouldn’t focus on 53though, saying that it “doesn't do to look back too much.” 回忆She shshaed mme toto 54 the good, not pay much attention to the bad and take an interest in something 55Thank you, Granny.441.A. sad B. free C. special D. easy42. A. remind B. influenceC.hurt D. shockD.caring 心的元数不至的43. A. senior B. touchingC. boringD.guest44. A. servant B.member C centreD. careers45. A. morals枕 B. imagination C. children DD. finish46.A. create创造 B. ruin 设法做到.C. nameD. decidingC. failing47. A. trying totodo努力去做事B. managing to a D. smellingC/cooking48. A. taste B. kitchen D.Je aving forC working fored49. A. setting upB. making outD treasuredC. respected第D. pocket50. A. hatedB. stoleB. drawer 抽七 C. house6$$5 1 _ { n }$$A mind[JY高三终极一考卷(一)·英语·新高考·A区专用·第6页(共八页)



31.What is the possible result of moving most activities indoors according to Wallace?A. More staff members are trained. B.More money is spent.C. More activities are created. D. More students are supervised.


19.Who had an influence on Chu Wen wen's decision?A.L i Ru xue. B.Her father. C.Her teachers.