



goinghaving 54____to 55 in getting close to your purpose.”D.bikeC.carD.entireand this is justt the52.”Haskell added, “There's been a 53ing to let other people know that it's going to be alright. Just keep fighting, and keep4just as others have belief in you, and it's just going to get better. You are sure41. A. shipBB.planeC.normalD.receive43. A. publish42. A. global B.goodC.clarifyD.appreciatedB.sellC.bothered44.A. congratulatedB.approvedC.enormouslyD.slowlyD.outcome45.A. quickly B.mentallyC. incidentD.controlledB.instance47. A. stolen46. A. edgeB.ruinedC.lostD.reactionC.patience48.A. determination B.patternD.give upC.take up49. A. make up B.pick up D.constantly50. A. suddenlyB.ultimately C.potentiallyD.convinced51. A. ignored B.improved C.finishedD.balance52. A. beginning B.root C.challengeD.line54.A.destination B.assumption C.time53.A. rule B.goal C.pathithD.fait55.A.result B.succeed C.bringD.give0.19


16.What would the man like to do?A.Cycle to work. B.Run in the gym. C.Go to bed earlier.



16.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Workmates. B. Classmates. . Schoolmates.


What is the best title for the text?A. 10, 000 Steps a Day MattersB.Walking Benefits Your MusclesC. How to Best Burn Calories while WalkingD. How to Use Wearable Fitness Technologies while Walking