河南省2024中考导向总复习试卷 中考模拟试卷(五)5英语试卷答案

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1、河南省2024中考导向总复习试卷 中考模拟试卷(五)5英语试卷答案听力部分

3.Whom does the scarf probably belong to?A.The man. B.The bus driver. C.The old woman.

河南省2024中考导向总复习试卷 中考模拟试卷(五)5英语试卷答案

(轮椅) , and he's training to go much 31.James suffered from a car accident when he was six.Now he can't use his 32, and he has to usea wheelchair. James“drives"the 33 with his arms.He always plays basketball with his brothers.But his favorite 34 is the table tennis. James practices hard after school. “I want to 35 gold medal (金牌) , ”he says.“Im sure I can do it. And I want other kids like me to think they can36 , too."James'house has a special ramp(坡道) so that he can go in and out of the house 37.AtAdams High School in Champaign, Illinois, James is a 38 student. All the teachers and students likehim.He works hard. Although he has to 39 at the back of the classroom because of his chair, hedoes nt 40 that at all. “I like it back there, ”he says.(( ) 31.A.slower B.closer C.faster D.worse( ) 32.A.hands B.legsC.arms D.eyes( ) 33.A.chair B.busC.car D.bicycle( ) 34.A.gum e B.book C.sport D.song( ) 35.A.throw B.learn G.buy D.get( ) 36.A.win B.laugh C.speak D.pass( ) 37 A.suddenly B.sadly C.easily D.hardly( ) 38.A.lazy B.noisy C.poor D.popular( ) 39.A.stand B.sit C.look D.sleep(( ) 40.A.mind B.remember C.like D.forget

2、河南省2024中考导向总复习试卷 中考模拟试卷(五)5英语试卷答案选择题部分

河南省2024中考导向总复习试卷 中考模拟试卷(五)5英语试卷答案

16. How does the woman feel about the apartment?A. Satisfied. B. Disappointed. C. Unconcerned.斤第10

河南省2024中考导向总复习试卷 中考模拟试卷(五)5英语试卷答案

( ) 61. When did the erhu become a popular instrstrument?A. In the Song Dynasty. B. In the Tang Dynasty.C.In theMing Dynasty. D.In recent years.