



68. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?A. The danger astronauts may face in space.B.The reasons for travelling into space.C. The purpose of growing fresh vegetables.D. The difficulties of growing plants in space.

3.Why does the woman talk with the man?A.To interview him B. To get a book review.C. To publish a book.



3.What's special in Program in Math for Young Scientists?A.Cultivating independent skills.B.Attending non-math activities.C.Tailoring personal schedules.D.Enrolling international students.


reticulated giraffes. Now, those numbers have been cut by more than 50%. Only about16, 000 reticulated giraffes remain.This brown giraffe's bir th is not only a rre and fascinating event, but also an opportunityto raise awareness about the challenges faced by giraffes in the wild. By supporting efforts likethis, we can contribute to the conservation of these large creatures and ensure their survivalfor generations to come.32.What do we know about the spots of giraffes?A.They help protect giraffes.B.They are the same pattern.C.They look like giraffes' footprints.D.They appear on giraffes occasionally.