




D30. What does the underlined word“renovated”in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Destroyed. B.Constructed. C.Moved. D.Repaired.

33. What does the research find?A.Whales move at the speed of 25 mph.B.Muskoxen are good at giving a side attack.C. Many vertebrates have amazing neck joints.D.Disc ok eryx e s hit opponents with big power.



51. What's Mary’s trouble?A.She feels very anxious. B. She doesnt have enough sleep.C.Her English is very poor.D. She has too much housework to do.


C100. How many robots are there in this text多少机器人?A. One. B. TwoA) 11. What can the first robot do?第一个机器人可以做什么?C.Three.