




阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Years ago, not long after graduating from school and starting my career in Denver, I setoff on an exciting alone trip to reunite with an old friend.As I packed my car, little did I know

15. Why does the author mention Lolita fashion?A.To illustrate Kawaii has an effect on the fashion trend.B.To describe Japanese passion for fashion.C.To introduce a new style of fictional character.D.To prove it has become a popular sign.E.Breakout of that shell by reading news stories and editorials.D.Correct the mistakes again and again.F. This is your opportunity to provide insight and interpretation.G. Instead, take the reader between the lines to understand you, as a thinking person.



25. What is the danger of eating late according to the study by Brigham Young University?A. Burning fewer calories. B. Decreasing fat tissue.C. Declining hunger. D. Making people sleepy.


13.Why does the man have no passport?A.He has no time to apply.B.He doesn't know how to apply.C.He doesn't plan to go abroad.14.How soon will the man ge t his passport?