



7.What will the man do on his way home?C.Pick up a friend.A. Buy some food. B. Have breakfast.

3.When wil the speakers discuss the matter again?A. On Wednesday. B.On Thursday. C.On Friday.



第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,Believe it or not, a group of US teens could perform Chinese Me rmd, a classicalagedChinese play for children, fully in Chinese. The 15 US teens. 56 )and 17. stood out from more than 200 children and spent almost two yearars y4(practise) , according to ChenSuhaan, director and producer of the play’s US versionn.The show’s sue cess is thanksst the China-US Youth Theater Exchange Program.Chinese language learning to promote languaggeThe program combinesththe aeateerexca2between China and the US. "All the kidhaveeducation and youthh(work) so hard over the last two years. and I feel so proud to see their amazinghaerformance, " Chen said. For American teens, coming to China to per for m a Chineseseareer founforgettable experience. "Theater for children and young peoplcamphy ithata world language that enables children of different countries and comare ncommunicate) without words. Such theater is the seed of innocence,kindpess____and0blossoms of themunauty. It is also the seed of love culture and friendship fromt most beauty sprouts(长出) " remarked Feng Li president of China National Theater$$t _ { 0 }$$r Children.10英语试题( 中版)第8页(共10页)8


2.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.On the playground. B.In a store. C.In a gym.