



BPeople are living longer and longer now. That’s good news. However, getting old can bring a lot ofproblems. Many people get sick and need care. When there areisthere are many elderly people in so ei ety, finding care41 . There are n’t enough people to do this job.Today, technology is helping us 42 this problem. New robots can give elderly people all kinds of433. Some of them lift and move people from one bed to another. Others help people around their ownhomes. There are 44 some that can just be good friends.The simplest care robots are like pets. 45you touch them, they will move or make animal sounds.They bring real joy to elderly people, andd4646has to feed them.Sometimes, elderly people just 47an assistant (助手) . Some care robots use AL. They can helpelderly people with many things. The robots tell people to 48 medicine, do exercise, and see the doctor.Other care robots do 49jobs. They pick things up, help people walk, and lead groups in dances.Japanese hospitals use these now.anMany of these robots can not only help elderly people do things, but also help them feel useful andindependent. Some companies make their robots look 50 . They look like they need care. That way,people will care for the robots while the robots care for them.A41. A. terrible B.boring C. difficult D. possible42. A. solve B.enter C. try D.inventB43. A. mess B.care C. work D.news044. A. only B.just C.very D.evenD.Because45. A. WhenB.Unless C.ThoughD. anybodyCB46. A. everybody B.somebody C. nobodyB.need C. lendd D. drawB 47. A.miss D.takeB.give C. findD 48. A. sell D.excellent. A. physical B.valuable C.creativeD.rich350. A. lazyB.cool C. weak


I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder at 19. My first panic attack 41 nowhere,leaving me breathless and 42 . Despite taking medication, my chronic(长期的) anxietyand panic attacks required meto 43 waysto deal with it. I've learnedto treat 44 as apart of my character, alongside being free-spirited, funny, and creative. As a result, dealingwith my condition has made me a 45 person.Anxiety often makes me feel energetic,andIhave two waysto 46 it:Either let mylegs shake and mind race while over thinking everything or use that 47 to expand myadvantage. Whether I'mat work, home, or my kid's soccer practice, I always find a healthyway to 48 my anxiety. At work, I might take the long way to the kitchen or grab mywater bottle to regain my 49 . At home, I take the dog for a walk, 50 onmy bike, oruse free weights. Physical activity not only 51 anxiety but also keeps me in shape.During therapy, my doctor 52 thinking about something wonderful when my throatfeels tight and anxiety strikes. Instead of convincing myself of the worst, Irecalla 53 inmy early 20sin Paris. The thought of cheese, pastries, and the Eiffel Tower overwhelms mewith happiness, helping me 54 control.Although my life is n't 55 , accepting that anxiety is a part of who I am has made mefeel less like someone with an anxiety disorder.41.A.came out ofB.was composed ofC.got involved inD.gave way to42.A.amused B.proud C.joyful D.scared43.A.forget B.seek C.ignore D.acknowledge44.A.talent B.charms C.anxiety D.origins45.A.romantic B.significant C.frustrating D.healthy46.A.handle B.decorate C.believe D.represent47.A.fee B.energy C.principle D.fortune48.A.select B.recycle C.channel D.challenge49.A.impression B.theory C.preference D.calm50.A.exercise B.run C.climb D.mourn



The carvings usually use 60 (pattern) involv i(pattern) involving flowers, plants, landscapes andlu symbols such as dragons and phoenixes. This type of wood carving is widely use d in architecture and furniture as well as arts and crafts for61decorate) . Ech piece n woodccarving carries enormous efforts from the masters.62 (name) as the home to vme town of wood carving art in 1996, andJian chuan CountyJian chuan wood carving was listed in the national level intangible cultural her tage in 201.Episodes in the TV show also reveal that the cultural in he rience of the traditional ers ialsof wood carving faces challenges. The show discussess63hua chines are taking place ofhandwork, as the y ara 4e efficient) and less costly: and also looks at how young peopleare chasing 65 mmore job opportuniniti and money in big cities and are not willing to stayin the small village. 时Cor第四部分:写作(共两节,满分分)


15.What new activities can the children have this year?A.Fun programs. B.Adventure sports.C.Creative classes.