



4. How long will the man stay here?dho i tu ivA. One week. B. Two weeks. C. One month.

20. What do the three lines have in common?A. All will last for one day.B.All will offer three meals.C.AIl will pass the Sacred Way.



Morning, Lorry Bill speaking.76.____This is Lisa speaking..Oh, Lisa. 77.____?B:: m not feeling well. I have a headache. Should I take my temperature?No, it doesnt sound like you have a fever. 78.____. It started from this Monday.A:.79.____?B: I did my homework and played computer games last weekend.4: You sat in the same way for too long. You should have a rest. If you don't feel better tomorrow,come to my office.____.8:80.BA: You’re welcome.


34.What can we learn about rice plants from the experiments?A.Their weight ranged from 1g to 3gB.They stopped growing in Mars-like dirt.