


英语周报2018-2019上学期高一新课程第21期参考答案1-5DCACB 6-10 DACDC 11-15 BBDCD 16-20BECFG21-25ACDAA 26-30 CBBDD 31-35 BBADB 36-40 CDCAC41. to 42. named 43. tears 44. where 45. were introduced46.legally 47. raising 48. It 49. peaceful 50. to go短文改错51. ...been interested music ... music前加in52. ...of become a ... become → becoming53. ... Iam only ... am → was54. ... different song and ... song → songs55. ... as well as ... 去掉第二个as56. ... good at my... at → for57. Therewas a ... was → were58. ... people which had ... which → who / that59. ... and be relaxing. relaxing → relaxed60. ... better but finally ... but → and


One possibleversion:

You Are Wanted!The English Corner has been set upsince the school was built. Aimed at developing students’ interest in learningEnglish, it holds many activities all year round. Besides, students in ourEnglish Corner also organize various social and cultural activities. Anystudent who desires to exercise his or her abilities is welcome to join us!You may sign up in the office ofthe Student Center from November 26 to November 30. Inaddition, an English self-introduction lasting for about two minutes is needed.So if you want to be a member of the English Corner, please remember to bewell-prepared!

The English Corner