



31. What is the best title for the text?AA. What Is UNESCO Asking You to Learn?0 WhatBB. Who Are to Blame for the Extinction of Languages?C. Why Is Mother Language Based Education Essential?D. How to Celebrate International Mother Language Day?


32.Which of the following opinions may the writer agree with?A.To say all kids are potential narcissists is overstating the case.B.It'sun helpful for us to make our children feel good about themselves.C.Strength-based parenting leads to narcissism.D.Children who know their strengths tend to be more selfish and uncaring.



35.Which of the following would be the best tit ke for the tex:?A.How to Help“Home les”CockatoosB.A Human-Land Conflict in AustraliaC.Cockatoos Caused Humans a Terrible ProblemD.A Battle for Bins Between Cockatoos and Humans


34. How did participants express hope through their postures in the study?A.By standing with open arms and chests.B. By raising their arms and tilting their heads.C.By keeping their hands near their head or face.D.By adopting confident postures with arms on the hips.