耀正文化 2024届名校名师模拟卷(九)9英语试卷答案

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1、耀正文化 2024届名校名师模拟卷(九)9英语试卷答案听力部分

耀正文化 2024届名校名师模拟卷(九)9英语试卷答案

C. It confirms some wild if e can live well in cities.D. It shows many female birds are good mothers.D. What is the best title for the text?A. Urban Male Song Sparrows Are Super FathersB. Differences Between Male and Female SparrowsC. The Most Common Birds Found in Temperate ZonesD.Birds Change Their Song to Adapt to the Noise of the City

26. What mainly leads to the decrease of sharks?A. Fewer conservation programs. B.A small number of aquariumsC.The threatened ecosystem. D. Overfishing.

2、耀正文化 2024届名校名师模拟卷(九)9英语试卷答案选择题部分

耀正文化 2024届名校名师模拟卷(九)9英语试卷答案

20.Why does the man's wife go on working?A.Her workplace is farther than the man’s.B.She earns more than the man.C.She can't do housework.

耀正文化 2024届名校名师模拟卷(九)9英语试卷答案

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。第( ) 17. What do we know about the two baby lions?A. They are both females.B.They are both males.C.They are one female and one male.