德州三模 山东省2023-2024下学期德州市高三三模(2024.5)英语试卷答案

德州三模 山东省2023-2024下学期德州市高三三模(2024.5)英语试卷答案试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于德州三模 山东省2023-2024下学期德州市高三三模(2024.5)英语试卷答案试卷答案得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、德州三模 山东省2023-2024下学期德州市高三三模(2024.5)英语试卷答案听力部分

( ) 41. What can we know from the passage?A.They did the same activities all the time.B.Test Track is the best part of the trip for Grandma.C.The weather was very hot there.

7.What did Bernard in Ch avail laz express in the last paragraph?A.His advice on protecting glaciers.B.His confusion in finding his identity.C.His concern over the loss of glaciers.D.His interest in improving the economy.

2、德州三模 山东省2023-2024下学期德州市高三三模(2024.5)英语试卷答案选择题部分

德州三模 山东省2023-2024下学期德州市高三三模(2024.5)英语试卷答案

28.Which was intended for the blind at the event?A.The special vibrating suits.C. The recorded explanation.B.The sign language interpreters.D.The description on large screens.

德州三模 山东省2023-2024下学期德州市高三三模(2024.5)英语试卷答案

BOn a sunny day, a group of children, four-to seven-year-old, sit on their bicycles. Theirmothers, standing nearby, watch them closely for fear that the children will fall off their bikes.The children are ready to learn how to ride.Rachel Varn still remember s how she felt riding a bicycle for the first time. She says, “It canboost confidence. It gives kids such a sense of independence.”Now her job is helping childrenexperience that moment.Rachel Varn left her job of selling bicycles to become a trainer for bicycle riding last year. Shefounded Pedal(踏板) Power Kids to teach bicycle education. Before starting a ride, she teaches thechildren how to make sure the bicycles are in good condition for safe use. She calls it“the ABCquick check”.“A is for air, ”she explains.“We have to check our tires before we ride. Bis forbrakes. We want to make sure our brakes work before we find ourselves on the top of a hill aboutto go down. And Cis for chain.”She says the chain must be clean.