



2.What does the woman ask the man to do?A. Repair the curtain.B. Draw the curtain.. Buy a curtain pole.


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、1、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,ADespite the city's tall buildings and rush-hour traffic, there's plenty of nature to explorein Los Angeles. tar ba toFellowship Lake ShrineIn this 40.468-square-meter garden walkways lined with waterfalls, colorful flowers,and towering palm trees provide a seemingly rainforest, while waterfront lookouts to ducks,turtles and swans only add to its attraction. The garden, run by a non profit organization andOFpen to the public, is intended for peaceful reflection and relaxationn.Greystone Mansion orBuilt in 1928 by a rich oil businessman, the 7243-square meter Greystone Mansion and



31. What is the best title of the textt?0A.QR codes: Particularly PopularB.QR codes:Especially complicatedC. QR codes:An invention by accidentD.QR codes: An outcome of hard work


( ) 64.What doe the, ur der lined word“they”refer to?to?A.i s i gers.B.The lions.C.The zebras.D.The sfr pes.(in w heh part of a magazine can you find the text?A.Art. B.Nature. C.History. ..Hèalth.