




第一节完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。________Lara Harrison has always had a 41 relationship with her father. Several times,____ ____Harrison felt she'd reached her 42 point and avoided her dad for months. Still, she________couldn’t 43 him. Small actions showed he cared though he remained difficult to get____close to :hewent out of his way to 44 with tasks such as repairing her office. Harrison____wanted the relationship to improve.As her father 45 his 70s, she realized that if they were going to re-establish________________46 , they could not waste time . She made a 47 decision to change her________________48 to him. If he was being moody during their time together, she'd end their________49 by thanking him for the visit and giving him a hug — something that was n't typical____ ____for them.The small interventions 50; he became kinder each visit, and his moods________became 51 . Eventually he began reaching out to her, texting to ask, “How are you?” orsaying he was proud of her, 52 she'd always longed to hear.________Rebuilding trust with her father ultimately helped her to engage in 53 .She________realized she could also be stubborn when she felt 54 , and that her negative connection____________to her father made her 55 trusting of other people in her life."In ever allowed myself____________to 56 deeply into relationships.At the first sight of a challenge, I would blame others,________get angry or leave. Exhausting is 57 it takes to be constantly on guard, ” she says. "Itreminds you of life's happy moments.”Today, she's thankful to be able to approach others more____ ____58 and with an open heart.Trust is one of the most important 59 of a safe, fulfilling and well-functioning____ ____relationship.However, it often is n't until something hurtful happens-aspouse cheats on you; a____boss makes fun of you in front of colleagues -----60 we think about trust; we________don't notice it until it's broken.41.A.complicated B.tough C.changeable D.warm42.A.freezing B.boiling C.turning D.breaking43.A.abandon B.find C.help D.please44.A.help out B.set out C.make out D.workout45.A.obtained B.hit C.reached D.get



18.What did Helen begin to do after knowing she had cancer?A.Make a bucket list.B.Learn to draw. C.Write books.