



听第7段材料,回答第8、9题,8. What's the most probable relationship between the speakers?A. Mother and son. B. Husband and wife. C.Neighbours.

30. What can we know about hybrid working?A. It decreases productivity. B. It helps companies cut staff.C. It lowers employees’ wage. D. It promotes work-life balance.



then brew(煎) them with water in a pot. These materials 58. (say) to have a____restorative effect by re-balancing one's natural energy,or Qi, 59. runs through____series of invisible meridians(经脉) throughout the body.But if you ask younger generations of Chinese, few visit TCM shops nowadays, let alonebrew these time-tested remedies for 60. (they) . However, social media has recently____seen a type of coffee 61. (feature) goji berry juice get popular.____The concept of combining TCM herbs 62. popular drinks could make young____people access TCM more easily. The key to TCM is 63. (prevent) .By trying such____drinks, young people can take more care of their health, and nip sicknesses in the bud. Mostpeople, attracted in such a cafe by the“new TCM drinks”at first, would also be offered otherTCM products like dried herbs and teas, after which they may stay 64. (learn) more____about TCM.


听第7段材料,回答第8至108.Which does the woman prefer?A. English beer. B. American beer.C. German beer.