



25. What disadvantage does putting off certain tasks have?A. Avoiding failure. B. Knowing where to start.C. Causing negative thoughts. D. Requiring less time and energy.

C. Only in this way can you stick to a healthy diet.D Aim for about 8 to 13 glasses of water each day.E. It can allow you to see and plan each of your choices.R. You should always aim to get as much nutrition from foods as possible.G. This is a way of eating that helps you bring more attention to how you eat.



D. By showing a conversation.29. What makekes an adult difficult to be friends with others according to paragraph 2?A. Lack of breaks in the workplace.B.Worry about being deeply hurt.C.Unwillingness to communicate.D. Lack of unplanned interactions.


18.Who helped the speaker practice speaking?A.His classmate. B.His teacher. C.A drama actor.