



第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。An act of kindness has warmed people's he arts after a stranger left a note and boxes of freefood out in a park. The last year has been an especially 41time for many. There are numerouspeople who find themselves in 42 of a little help. And one kind43 has taken it uponthemselves to make a difference to someone in need. The y did so by 44 food supplies on a parkbench for people to collect, free of 45 .A local resident 46 the boxes and bags of free food on a bench while47through LeithLinks park. He the n 48 it via Facebook alerting others that may be struggling for food duringthe cold 49 period. The photo showed there were two big boxes and a bag packed full of 50such as bread, rolls, fruit and vegetables with a 51 attached that read:“Free to use, please putsuch as bithe lid back on."The 52 who shared the collection of food commented, “What a 53 thingbread, rolls, fruto do.”

6.What are the speakers going b de alter lunch?A.Se a flm. B.Go shopping. C.Attend a meeting.



2020. What do we know about night owls from the text?A.They get good grades at school.B.They get worse jobs than early birds.C. They do better on some intelligence tests.


5.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At the bus stop. B.At the woman's house.C.At the ticket office.