



DKuai ban and kuai shu are both art forms of storytelling and singing. However, there aresome differences between them. Kuai ban items(项目) are usually short, and tell simplestories. It can be performed more freely. However, kua is hu is generally longer and has acomplete story.Different types of kuaiban or kuaishu need different instruments. For example, a Sh andong kuai shu performer holds two small bamboo or bronze(铜) pieces in one hand. For shu-lai bao, popular in northern China, two pairs of bamboo instruments are used. One is a bigpair and the other is a small pair. The bigger pair has two bamboo pieces while the small pairhas five pieces. The pieces are fixed together by string. Both kuai ban and kuai shu have a verysimple form of performance. The actor or actress usually stands to talk and sing, with anecessary instrument in one hand. The items can also be performed by two, three or morepersons.There are different styles of kuai shu in different places. Examples are z hub anshu in Shan-dong, luo gush u in Shanghai, and kuai ban shu in Tianjin, but the most popular is Shandongkuai shu.Kuai shu and kuai ban have a certain connection to Chinese traditional poems and have ahigh artistic value( ) 67.What is special about kuai ban items?A. They are short and simple.B.They are free and long.C. They are long and completeD. They are short and complete.

16. What does the woman ask the man to do?A.Pay the rant first.B. Come to see the flaC.Call her this after no an.



听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.What is the woman doing?A. Driving. B. Seeing a doctor. C.Watching TV.


20. What does the radio program mainly focus on?A.Public opinions on science.B.Major scientific breakthroughsCC. Untold stories of female scientists.女,woman