




17.Which is about the journey made down the River Nile?A.The Secrets. B.Wi1 Ocean. C.Dinosaurs Alive.


30.How does the author support the topic?A.By making comparisons. B.By listing many numbers.C.By providing research results.D.By analyzing causes and effects.



阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The Table Mountain Aerial Cableway Company(TMACC) issued 30.000 free birthdaymonth tickets in 2021 to local tourists, 56 (allow) each visitor to experience breath-takingviews of Cape Town from above the clouds.“We are 57 (excite) to play a role in makingthe top of the mountain accessible to everyone for their birthday, ”says Giselle Esau,executive manager of Brand and Marketing at TMACC. A return ticket up the cableway wouldd58 (normal) be charged at R 390, but the TM ACC birthday month special allows all SouthAfrican citizens59(travel) up Table Mountain for free. Every year, thousands of local60 international tourists travel to Cape Town to visit Table Mountain. So TM ACC alsohas special offers positioned for local and foreign students and position offerings thataccommodate children and the elderly, 61 has helped ensure that 62 (visit) to themountain extend the reach beyond the barriers of affordability. “The mountain belongs63all of us, and everyone should 64(give) an opportunity to experience it. Drawing in localtourists could also be an opportunity to aid the 65 (recover) of local tourism industry."says Esau.


5.Why did the woman make an apology to the man?A.She broke his car.B.She can't meet Mary with him.C.She can't give him a ride.