



Mom quickly hugged the girl and then said gently, “Kid, you're always my angel even thoughyou’ve no 40 .( ) 31.A.led B.hit C.sent D.gave( ) 32.A.relaxed B.hungry C.sleepy D.scared( ) 33.A. coming out B.keeping on C.putting awayD.looking up( ) 34. A.complaining B.expecting C:wondering D. celebrating( ) 35.A.raised B.shook C.hid D.beat( ) 36. A.quiet B.loud C.surprised D.direct( ) 37.A.choices B.tools C.deaths D.events( ) 38. A. mix B.light C.save D.control

三、补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话,有一个选项是多余的。A: Good afternoon. What's wrong with you?B: Good afternoon, doctor. I feel awful. 41A: How long have you been like this?____B: I've been ill for about two days.A: I see.____42 CB: No, I haven't.A: 43____43 ...Hmm, there's n o f eveWhat kind of food do you eat?B: I usually eat fast foodA: 444 ____B: No, not usually.A: That’s the problem! Fast food and no break



2. What hair does Lily have now?A. Short black hair.B. Short golden hair.C. Long black hair.


29.What did Wlodarczyk mainly intend to tell us in paragraph 3?A.How Rixen protected the lake.B.How Rixen set up a power source.C.How much Rixen liked water skiing.D.How Rixen created his cable water park.