




34.What can we learn about rice plants from the experiments?A.Their weight ranged from 1 g to 3 g.B.They stopped growing in Mars-like dirt.C.They never developed roots in soil with perchlorate.D.Their growth was affected by perchlorate's concentration.

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项Bobi is 30 years and 266 days old ill Feb. 1, according to Guinness. 21 he’s the worldrecord holder for oldest living dog now, originally, Bob i was n’t 22 to live long at allall.Bob i was born, along with three other puppies, in the 23 of Conqueiros in Portugal Athe time, the family who owned them already had a number of animals.One of the family's sons, Leonel Costa, told Guinness World Records that it was 24forpeople to bury newborn puppies they could not keep 25 , once Bob i and his brothers wereuryborn, Costa's father took them away to be 26____But days after, Costa noticed something 27 . Bob i’s mother, Gira, continued to return tothe shed where her puppies were born, despite it being 28. One day, Costa and his brothers



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。As a psychologist, one of my favorite practices was my merite practices was my meeting a teenager, Trevor. Heti orhad been struggling with anxiety and depression, finding few solutions 41ons 41 to him. Trevor____wi42his ability after failing the final exam and wanted to give up. Together with his dad,i linghe 43 me, and we discussed something ased something about a 44 in detail. I 45 he would get________ “I d on't think it will work, ”hebetter as long a s he believed in himself. He looked 46.____better hen a new idea 47 me maybe I could help him by associating his experience with____the perception(认识) of steady 48y 48 . So I enlightened(启发) him 49:____“When you break a bone, what is the 50 of a ca50 of a cast(石膏) ?”I asked.“It protects the____bone, ”he answered.aves.but how 51 does the bone heal?”“The body heals it____bht.”I nodded.“Now, I will act as your cast and 52 you until your beliet thheals____itself.”Trevor gave me a smile. Obviously, our convely, our conversation gave Trevor a belief that heits ld trust in his inner power and it assured him that he was n't54 Heleaht wt____parents, and teachers would all work in concert to help him. Sure enough, he caught up withhis classmates later.


2.How will the weather be this weekend according to the weatherman?A.Cool. B.Warm. C.Cold.