名思教育 2024年安徽省初中学业水平考试(题名卷)英语试卷答案

名思教育 2024年安徽省初中学业水平考试(题名卷)英语试卷答案试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于名思教育 2024年安徽省初中学业水平考试(题名卷)英语试卷答案试卷答案得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、名思教育 2024年安徽省初中学业水平考试(题名卷)英语试卷答案听力部分

35. What's the potential use of the sound recordings?A.To harvest the crops. B.To solve the food problem.C.To locate the thirsty crops. D.To prevent climate change.

22.Which is the longest trail?A. The Rim Trail. B.The Bright Angel Trail.C.The Cape Royal Trail. D.The South Kaibab Trail.

2、名思教育 2024年安徽省初中学业水平考试(题名卷)英语试卷答案选择题部分

名思教育 2024年安徽省初中学业水平考试(题名卷)英语试卷答案

8. hhave you been married with your wife?-For about ten years.A. How long B.How much C.How soon D.How often

名思教育 2024年安徽省初中学业水平考试(题名卷)英语试卷答案

concentrates on examining Lara's ankle, I get her attention by doing a magictrick. Although she is clearly still in some pain, her scared and anxious lookhas been 30 -first by a small smile, and then by loud laughter as I31 produce her sock from out of my pocket. Seeing their daughter somuch happier has 32 made Lara’s parents more relaxed.As for me, when I take off my wig and my red nose, I'm still wearing a33 , as I remember all the fu and laughter of the day. While thereanmight be more hospital visits ahead for Lara and others, I hope that clownplt adoctors help make it a 34 place to visit. After all, it really is true that“laughter is the best 35 .C21. A. despair B.coldness C.lonelinessAD.tension22.. A. encourage B.satisfy C.comfortD.rewardB23.. A. rescue B.recognize C. acknowledge2D.spot24.. A. dragged B.rushed C.pushedD.forced225. A. allergy B.infection C.diseaseD.injury26. A. designed B.decorated C.fundedD. equippedA 27. A. inspiring B.entertaining C.examiningCD.instructing28. A. have fun withB.cheer up C.take caree ofDD. calm downC:29. A. trick B.count C.workD.ruinedD331. A. surprisinglyB. accidentally C. awkwardlyD.respondB30..A. ignored B.affected C.replacedD.cautiously32. A. at least B.in particularC. for instanceD.in turn33.A. smile B.mask C.frownBD.coat34. A. more efficientB.more professionalC.friendlierD.safer5. A. language B. medicine C. reminder