



V补全对话(共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分) tv il根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 (其中两个选项为多余选项)A:Hey, Bill. What are you doing?____B:61 ____A:I worked there last month. Do you need my help?____B:Sure. 62 ____A:I helped to do many things like doing the cleaning and telling stories.____B: o 63 orvbs ____d o r u oA:And I also sang and danced for the old.____B:bn(64 nl____boot y ilsA:Yes, they thought I could bring them happiness.65niB: That's a good idea. Thank you.l ot u ov no qA:You're welcome. 1501gla rA. That sounds good.B.Let's come up with an idea.C. I'm making a plan to work at the old people’s home. booD.Why don’t you list them in your plan?E. You are right. di w x ir srl bng smit bF. Could you tell me what kind of volunteer work you did?G.They were interested in those, right?dar ga is a v itsod aq pole igu onetuoy qoad g air tyas ode lia____ti o d o y ai


9.Where do the man's coins come from?A.Other collectors.B.His friends. C.His colleagues.



听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.What do the speakers both order?A. A Frankie..B. A cold coffee. C. A sandwich.


5.Why does the man want to find another io%?A.He is tired of the present job. B.He wants to work more hours.C.He has little time to study.