




E.Then divide the rectangles into smaller sections for different plantsF.This could be a statue or a fountain plae ed in the center or on either sideG.That wav, when you look at your garden, it will look inviting and make the area feelmore bal n need

A shiny blue plastic e was resting on the graund 48 the bese oi the tre. I lo uk ed upat my mom in 4 . However in ste d o i s riling back mue, she was turing to the lit, in____the 50f amuther mom. The r we moms were alternating(交互的) betwen 51 at eachother and at wha sppcared to b the lsst F er egg.hel’t seen my mom run be for c tho day. She ba heen brn with 52 knees and whenshe was in elementary se hool sh hed wira speial shos to 53a loot probleThe c ther mo m al sn r an toward the a hur blu e g. In une la kt54 f pced, myother r ached the tre, bent do w x ad5 the ege.“Yay! 1 gct an ca!"I shouted inexitement.41. A. rom petitionB. perior me nic C. presentation D. discuss ium42. A. worrying B. con l ident C. fu red D. doubtful43. A. con lir med B. pro vnd C. cli med D. explained44. A. rlim bing B. nl ling C. un ning D. counting45. A. chage B. gain C. lack D. approach46. A. patiently B. intent iom ally C. cheerfully D. scr iv us ly47. A. greater B. wu rse C. smr ter D. slimmer18. A. against B. behind C. above D. cross49. A. surprise B. cxr item ent C. confusion D. regret50. A. dist an re B. charge C. direction D. company51. A. looking B.laugh img C. thru wing D. whispering52. A. ncr malB.hurd C. apec i a! 1. wik



29. How does the author mainly organize Paragraph 4onoA. By making comparisons.al B. By providing examplesD.By analyzing cause and effect.C. By listing data.


31. What does the example of Mexico prove?A. Tax policies are unfair to the poor.B. Taxing sugary drinks makes a difference.C.The poor consume more sugary drinks.D. Sugary drinks are a threat to health.