衡水金卷先享题·摸底卷 2024-2025学年度高三一轮复习摸底测英语试卷答案

衡水金卷先享题·摸底卷 2024-2025学年度高三一轮复习摸底测英语试卷答案试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于衡水金卷先享题·摸底卷 2024-2025学年度高三一轮复习摸底测英语试卷答案试卷答案得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、衡水金卷先享题·摸底卷 2024-2025学年度高三一轮复习摸底测英语试卷答案听力部分

14. Why is the man nervous?A. Because this is his first time to China.B. Because he knows nothing about Chinese table manners.C. Because he doesnt know whether he likes Chinese food or not.

A. What is t la pebsle relaticnrip iwern the spea iser?A. Colleagues. B. I us hnn d and we.C. octos und patient.

2、衡水金卷先享题·摸底卷 2024-2025学年度高三一轮复习摸底测英语试卷答案选择题部分

衡水金卷先享题·摸底卷 2024-2025学年度高三一轮复习摸底测英语试卷答案

34.What can be expected of Ee lume in the future?A.It will be tested next year.B.It will face a lot of competitors.C.It will be worth around $ 7 billion.D.It will be put on tie murk et in 2027.

衡水金卷先享题·摸底卷 2024-2025学年度高三一轮复习摸底测英语试卷答案

34.What is mainly talked a but in paragraph 4?A.How to increase people's job satisfaction.B.The impor i ance and necessity of min mizing meetings.C.Why excessive and unproductive meetings lower job satisfaction.D.Active involvement by the participants indicates meeting effectiveness.