
.2. 总共有八万人在那次地震中丧命. 80,000 people in the earthquake. 题目和参考答案

Both of Jessica's parents were lawyers and expected her to follow suit. So she went to law school, got a job at a great firm in Washington D. C. and worked as a lawyer for a decade. But her heart was never in it. "I had a big salary but no personal satisfaction," she said.

Jessica found pleasure in the same thing that had brought her joy since joining the church choir at the age of 12. "Singing always felt like communicating something real at a spiritual and emotional level," said Jessica. Yet she never considered it a career option. "That seemed like something people did in fairy tales, and I would never let my parents down," she said.

It was her mum's diagnosis of brain cancer in 2009 that made Jessica realize she had to write her own hap?py-ever-after. "Work was busy and my mother was ail?ing. So I was flying back and forth from Washington D. C. to Houston to see her," Jessica said. " I finally said, 'Enough! , and quit. ,, While caring for her mum, Jessica made a plan. She would spend her savingsf stud-y music for a year, and then open a part-time law prac?tice so she could pursue her passion. Before her mother passed away two years later, she encouraged Jessica to follow her dream. Her song Live This Life was inspired by her mum, and her dad came to watch her perform at clubs.

In 2012, Jessica moved to Nashville to try singing and songwriting. A decade of presenting cases in court gave her the confidence to sing for a crowd. "At 20, I would have been too shy to perform," said Jessica.

"Doing music is so free," Jessica said. "There's no pressure to be a star.  Success, to me, isn't a dollar amount or a record deal; it's doing what I love."

5.    Which of the following is TRUE?

A.    Jessica didn't really like working as a lawyer.

B.    Jessica didn't know what she truly loved for ten years.

C.    Jessica wasn't satisfied with the pay she got as a lawyer.

D.    Jessica was grateful for her parents' arrangement for her.

6.    What does the underlined word "ailing" in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Sick.  B. Crazy.

C.  Worried.  D. Unhappy.

7.    What was Jessica's mother's attitude towards her singing?

A. Unknown.  B. Doubtful.

C.  Supportive.     D. Negative.

8.    By telling Jessica's story, the writer most probably wants to .

A. encourage us to pursue our dreams

B.    show that singing can be a practical career

C.    tell us the importance of choosing a right job

D.    show that family members' support is important



A 细节理解题。根据第一段"'I had a big 

salary but no per?sonal satisfactionshe said."可知,杰茜卡虽然薪水很高但没有个人满足感,故选A项。

A 词义猜测题。根据第三段"It was her mum's diagnosis of brain cancer in 2009 that made Jessica realize she had to write her own happy-ever-after."可知,她的妈妈被诊断出患了脑癌,故选A项。

C 推理判断题。根据第三段"Before her mother passed away two years later, she encouraged Jessica to follow her dream." 可知,她的妈妈在去世前的两年里,一直鼓励她去实现她的梦想,故选C项。
