




With less than 10 seconds, the ball came to Mikey O Donnell, my 23 teammate. With shouts ofKick it!”, Mikey tried his best to kick 24 b all.People were 25 as the ball flew into the goal (球门) .Mikey 0”Donnell26 at that time,but in the wrong goal, ending the game with a score of 2:2.For a moment, there was total silence. Mikey has Down's Syndrome(唐氏综合征) . For 27 there was no such thing as a wrong goal - he enjoyed scoring in any goal. He simply liked it.The silence was finally broken when Mikey shouted, “I scored! I scored! Everybody won!Everybody won!”His face was full 28 happiness. He r an to my son, hugged him and shouted.I was worried about 29. Then I was proud to see him give Mikey a big hug and startedcheering, “Good job, Mikey!”Within moments, both teams joined in the cheering and congratulating Mikey on his goal. Later thatnight, 30 my daughter asked who had won, my son smiled and replied, “Everybody won!”( ) 21. A. were B.are C.was D.is( ) 22.A. forms B.form C. boys D.boy( ) 23. A. son B.son's C.daughter D. daughter's( )24.A./ B.a C.an D.the( ) 25.A. lucky B. luckily C.silent D.silently( ) 26. A. has scored B. is scoring C.will score D.scored( ) 27.A.him B.he C.she D.her( )28.A. at B.in C.with D.of


4.What does the man like doing now in his spare time?A. Listening to music.B.Playing basketball.C.Watching TV.



8.Which team won the baseball match?A.The sales team.B.The marketing team.C.The finance team.


30.0.VWhat is Dominica known for according to the text?A. Its good economy. B. Its architecture.C.Its mountains and jungles. DD.Its sandy beaches