
学英语报纸九年级河南第16期,我们目前整理分享关于学英语报纸九年级河南第16期及其参考答案,2如需答案 请关注微信公众号:考不凡/直接访问www.kaobufan.com(考不凡)





8.(1)A one-person solar car that can be transformed into an electric moped ( 助力车 ),a door light powered by opening and closing a door and a cloak (披风) of invisibility are three innovative inventions recently created by college students.
     Here comes the sun
(2)The 100-kilogram blue solar car invented by 10 students at Southwest University's College of Engineering and Technology in Chongqing has a top with four solar panels that charge the battery that powers the auto."The car is easy to drive.A person without any driving experiences could learn to use it in several minutes.It fits for campus and the golf course,"He Daijie,the leader of the invention team and a senior at the college,told the Global Times."Or if one prefers it can be turned into an electric moped,"he said.
     Seeing the light
     (3)Four students at Shenyang University of Technology in Liaoning Province invented a door light  powered by electric energy produced by opening and closing a door.
    (4)When people open or close a door,tlie door produces mechanical energy that could be turned into  electric energy.After numerous tests for several months,the students fixed a joint lever (liE^ff) above  the door that connects the door and a speeding gear case to drive a generator attached to the door and  send energy to storage cells.The storage cells provide ______ for the light.
    Invisibility cloak
(5)Many people daydream of an invisibility cloak like Harry Potter's and three graduate students in  optics (光学) from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (航空航天) have actually  nvented  one.Special Ferro-electric (铁电体) materials on the cloak reduce the scattering of light of an object  wrapped with the cloak,and thus making the object"invisible,"according to Li Peining,one of the three  students.Li said he is confident about the future of the cloaks."With the appearance and application of new meta-materials,the cloak could be used in military battles and communications,"he said.
76.What is the main idea of the passage?It introduces three innovative inventions created by college students. 
77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 3 words)electric energy/electricity
78.Which invention do you think is environmentally friendly?Why?(no more than 15 words)."Seeing the light"/"The door light".Because it can save much electricity.Or"Here comes the sun"/"The solar car".Because it can make use of solar power and save gas. 
79.What does the underlined word"it"in para 2 mean?(no more than 5 words)The solar car./The one-person solar car. 
80.In which fields are invisibility cloaks used?(no more than 10 words)In military battles and communications.. 试题答案

分析 本文主要介绍了大学生的三种新的发明.

解答 76.It introduces three innovative inventions created by college students
77.electric energy/electricity
78."Seeing the light"/"The door light".Because it can save much electricity.
Or"Here comes the sun"/"The solar car".Because it can make use of solar power and save gas.
79.The solar car/The one-person solar car.
80.In military battles and communications.
76  It introduces three innovative inventions created by college students.主旨大意题.  开头指出"three innovative inventions recently created by college students",下文分别是对这三种发明的详细介绍,故主旨为:It introduces three innovative inventions created by college students.
77  electric energy/electricity   细节题.  本段指出人们开关门的动能可以转化为电能储存、备用,"…the door produces mechanical energy that could be turned into electric energ"说明了这一点.由此可知 electric energy/electricity  符合题意,存储电池能够为灯提供电力. 
78  Seeing the light"/"The door light".Because it can save much electricity.Or"Here comes the sun"/"The solar car".Because it can make use of solar power and save gas.细节题."Seeing the light"这种发明将开关门的动能转化为电能备用,能够节约电力,是环境友好型产品. 故此处答案为:"Seeing the light"/"The door light".Because it can save much electricity.
79  The solar car./The one-person solar car.猜测词义题.  文中第二段均在介绍 the 100-kilogram blue solar car,段末"Or if one prefers it can be turned into an electric moped"指出这种车可以当作电动助力车,承接前文"The car is easy to drive…",it 指的仍为 The solar car.
80  In military battles and communications.细节题.根据文章最后一段."With the appearance and application of new meta-materials,the cloak could be used in military battles and communications,"he said.可知隐形斗篷可用于军事斗争和通讯.

点评 做阅读表达题时,理清文章的脉络、掌握文章的主旨大意,并能运用简洁的语言表达.回答要有针对性观点要明确.不要摘抄文章原句.

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Muhammad Ali was one of the1._________ (good) boxers i n the world. Hi s death on June 3 2._________ (lead) to a lot of sadness and appreciation. He was a symbol of excellence and charm.

Ali almost seemed 3._________a ghost in the US for years. As he shook while 4._________ (light) the Olympic flame to open the Summer Games in Atlanta in 1996, those 5._________ had seen Ali grow from a charming boxing superstar into a beloved civil rights icon (代表) struggled, too.

Ali 6._________ (bore) in Kentucky in 1942. His boxing skills got 7._________ (he) a gold medal at the 1960 Rome Olympics, and in 1964, he won the world heavyweight championship, living up to his prediction that he 8._________ “shock the world”.

He refused to join the army and take part in the Vietnam War. He became one of the lasting symbols of the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s. “I am9._________ (confidence) that justice will come my way, for the truth must10._________ (eventual) prevail (获胜) ,” he said in 1967.