




27.What's the text mainly about?A.Importance of bees in ecosystems.B.Dutch cities' ideas to protect important insects.C.Varieties of bee species in Dutch cities.D.Dutch cities' attempt s to re store bee population.


35.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.The Internet needs to save energy.B.The solar plants can boost energy for itself.C.The company's purpose is to find alternative energy.D.Ecos i a keeps making efforts in environmental protection.



13. What does the man give the woman in the end?His full name.A. His email address. B. His phone number.


第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。费I'm an eleven-year-old, overweight boy. I have felt 41 about myself and felt leftat one time or another over the past four years.When I started 42 , the kids in my class made fun of me. They called me “fatatty"This made me feel 43 .Sometimes I wanted to hit them and tell them to leave me alone.44, I would walk away, and at times, I would go home and 45 . I n ever let anyoneknow this because they would just 46 me for it instead of realizing how much Iwas 477When I was eight, my mom and I 4488TOPS, a weight-loss support group. SinceI've been in TOPS, Ive learned to 49and to count calories. While I was in TOPS,espbecame a winner for weight loss for my age group. I was 50 to be on stage for thisspecial l knowing part of my ToP s age group wasme. I’ve also learned howOPgreat it is to have my family support my522 as well. I try to give the same supportit herer bythem.y talking to someone who has 53 issues or by giving hugs to people who need