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学生双语报 2023-2024学年高考RX版·新教材新高考强化版第1期答案
第一节NoticeOur school will hold an English readingweek with the theme of Cultural China nextweek to enhance our understanding of Chineseculture and improve our English readingskills.During the event, we'll have variousactivities, including reading Chinese literaturetranslated into English and participating incultural workshops. We'll also have guestspeakers who'll share their experiences andinsights into Chinese culture. The event willtake place from 4: 00 pm to 5: 00 pm everyday in our school lecture hall next week.Don't miss the great activity and let'sactively participate and make it a success.The Students' Union
学生双语报 2023-2024学年高考RX版·新教材新高考强化版第2期答案
第一节Dear volunteers,I'd like to express my sincere gratitude toall the volunteers who participated in thecommunity environmental protection campaign.During the past month, we have visitedseveral local communities and organizedvarious activities, such as doing the clean-up,planting trees, and promoting recycling.With your enthusiasm and dedication, we'veachieved remarkable results. The communityresidents are more aware of the importanceof environmental protection now, and they'rebeginning to take action to protect our planet.Let's continue making a positive impacton the world. Thank you again for yourcontributions.
学生双语报 2023-2024学年高考RX版·新教材新高考强化版第3期答案
第一节Dear David,Knowing that you're interested in Chineseliterature, I'm writing to invite you to adrama performance adapted from the Chineseclassical drama Thunderstorm by Cao Yu.The performance starts at 9: 00 am nextSaturday at the Central Theatre in our cityand lasts for about 160 minutes. We'resupposed to arrive at the theatre no laterthan 8: 50 to ensure we have enough time toseat ourselves before the performance begins.To better appreciate the performance, itwould be helpful for you to read the originalbeforehand.Looking forward to receiving your earlyreply.Yours,Li Hua
学生双语报 2023-2024学年高考RX版·新教材新高考强化版第4期答案
第一节Dear Kevin.How are you doing? I hope everything isgoing well with you in Beijing. I'm writingto invite you to visit Hangzhou during theNational Day holiday to witness the excitementof the 19th Asian Games.Hangzhou is a beautiful city with a richhistory and culture. It's famous for itsattractive West Lake, ancient pagodas, andtea culture. The upcoming Asian Games willbe held here, which will showcase our city'smodernity, diversity, and inclusiveness. Duringthe trip, you can watch the top-level athletescompeting in various sporting venues whileenjoying the unique local cuisine and culture.I believe you'll be amazed by the fascinatinginternational sports gala.Are you interested in taking this trip?Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Li Hua
学生双语报 2023-2024学年高考RX版·新教材新高考强化版第5期答案
第一节Nowadays, mobile libraries have becomea convenient and accessible way to providereading materials for local communities inmany cities. These book-filled trucks regularlyvisit neighborhoods, offering lending andreturning services to community members.From my perspective, mobile librariesplay an important role in increasing ourreading interest, improving literacy rates, andpromoting cultural exchanges. They enablepeople to access books and other print piecesthat they might not otherwise have theopportunity to read.I hope to see further developments inmobile library services in the future, ultimatelyleading to increased literacy levels and culturalexchanges in our society.
学生双语报 2023-2024学年高考RX版·新教材新高考强化版第6期答案
第一节My Experience of Learning EnglishEnglish is one of the most significantlanguages globally, and its importance cannotbe overemphasized.Learning English requires dedication, hardwork, and enthusiasm. Apart from classroomlessons, I've been actively participating invarious extracurricular activities such aswatching English movies, following Englishnews and shows, and practicing speakingwith friends who areifluent in English toimprove my skills. Another factor that hasaided my progress is perseverance. I oftenset weekly goals about mastering vocabularyor grammar rules, practicing writing andspeaking, and listening to podcasts to trackmy progress.I hope everyone can make progress inlearning English.