




11. What was Priya Iyer's purpose of building the websiteA.To sell books.B.To help children read more.CC.To recommend books to people of all ages.


17. Who is probably the woman?AA. A friend of the man.B. A famous musician.C.1A member of the band.



27.Which of the following can best describe Penny?A.Talented and patient. B.Strong and friendly.C.Joyful and positive. D.Organised and funny.


第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Nny in, know n as a“living fossil(化石) ”of music in Chinese history, 56. (date) back to the____Hah Dyma sty (206 BC-220 AD) after people from ancient China's Central Plains region brought their musicto u an zhou, Fujian province, 57. later gradually combined with the local music.____58. (feature) a s low, gentle and elegant melody(旋律) , the performance of n any in is usually____given by a group of five 59. (play) . Positioned in the middle is the singer, who also plays thegve ____wooden clapper 60. (keep) the beat. Usually, on the left are two musicians playing the“dong xiao”____and the “er xian”61.(respective) while the two on the right playing the“pipa”and the “san xian”.____As for the unique singing style and its extraordinary artistic value, n any in 62.____(li ) as anintangible cultural heritage of humanity(非物质文化遗产) by UNESCO in 2009.To aid in passing down thisheritage, schools in Quanzhou 63. go it e(make) n any in a____course in kindergarten and primary school____already.“64. it is well-inherited, half of Fujian culture can be preserved. We sincerely hope thatmore teenagers can join us 65. breathing new life into this traditional culture, ”said an inheritor(____承者) of n any in in Quanzhou. b lar a nilo yo g