




331. What is the best title for the text?A. Over Half of a French Museum's Paintings Are FakesB.Etienne Terr us Was a Born Landscape PainterC. Small Museums Lack Money to Buy PaintingsD.Some Experts Proved the ArtWorks Not Real


15.When does the man suggest going to the apartment near the park?A.On Friday. B.On Saturday. C.On Sunday.



19.In which area did the gym add new machines last week?A.The weight lifting area.B.The free weights area.C.The stretching area.


30. What can we learn from Friedman'swords?A.Friedman thinks the survey has limitations.B.Friedman is critical of women's roles in cooking.C.Friedman's household seldom works together on meals.D.Friedman's household has a strict division of ooking roles.