



19.How does the speaker feel about her college life?A.Frightened. B.Satisfied. C.Curious.


34.Which of the following can best replace the underlined part “triggered”in paragraph 5?A.picked up B.set off C.taken out D.brought in



29.What does the underlined word“acclaimed”mean in paragraph 6?A.Feared. B.Prevented. C.Stored. D.Welcomed.


money, c nough to help us 48 that desperate time. We couldn'the lp but wonder who hadgiven such a generous gift.A year later, our seventeen-year-old s on was applying for a student loan so he could49 university. It was then that we discovered that his savings account was almost 50 .His father and I were very disturbed by this. From the time he was nine years old, he hadworked very hard for his small 51 .I asked him repeatedly to tell me where the money hadgone. At first he would not tell me, but I would not let the matter 52 .h teFinally, in tears, and with much 53 , my son admitted that the year before he had puthis savings in the offering box for his father and me. I stood there 54 , tears filling myeyes, It had taken my son years to save that money. He had given it to us 55 —withouttelling us what he had done.41.A.address B.number C.name D.home42.A.in charge B.in need C.in danger D.in condition43.A.neighbors B.parents C.friends D.children44.A.ThenB.Still C.Therefore D.Otherwise45.A.provide B.assume C.solve D.equip46.A.failure B.surprise C.situation D.success47.A.grateful B.shameful C.regretful D.hopeful48.A.go through B.get across C.pass out D.set aside49.A.found B.attend C.visit D.manage. A. 150.A.expensiveC.full D.emptyB.cheap51.A.surroundings B.blessings C.belongings D.earnings52.A.off B.alone C.out D.down53.A.willingness B.happiness C.hesitation D.admiration54.A.speechless B.aimless C.tireless D.emotionless55.A.resentfullyB.reluctantlyC.accidentally D.willingly