




33.Which word can best describe the Cherokee music album?A.Diverse. B.Beautiful. C.Mysterious. D.Popular.

20. What’s the biggest trouble that the speaker is facing?A. Not enough time.B. Lack of money. C. Limited s



34.What does the underlined part“the power grid”in paragraph 3 refer to?A.A set of batteries used to store energy.B.A device showing television programs.C.A piece of equipment used to measure power.D.A network generating and distributing electricity.


Hiking the Long ji Rice Terraces(梯田) in southern China is something I would recommend foreveryone to add to their bucket list. The name 56 (literal) means“Dragon's Backbone”due to________the fact that the rice terraces look just like a dragon's scales, while the mountain's summit 57________(resemble) the backbone.During my visit to Guilin, I decided to set out on a three-day hike through the famous Long ji RiceTerraces. Known as the“Dragon's Backbone”, the terraces were a spectacular sight as they stretchedacross the green hills in complicated 58 (pattern) looking like ripples of water.____The hike 59 (take) me through small villages set against the beautiful landscape. Local____farmers were busy tending to the terraced rice fields that had been farmed for over 1, 000 years. Along thepaths, I passed orange groves and met friendly local s 60 offered me fresh lychees.____At night, I stayed in simple homestays run by farming families. Over multi course meals 61____(feature) local specialties like sticky rice, I learned 62 (much) about the terraces and village life.________The feeling of community spirit and connection to the natural environment was unique.Reaching the hike'send after three full days, I felt a profound 63 (appreciate) for these________ancient agricultural wonders carefully built into the landscape 64 generations of families. The____Dragon's Backbone terraces provided me with unforgettable mountain view s 65 cultural____