



得分评卷人V.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。en sivethin V heny neWhen I was in high school, my family met a lot of difficulties and I couldnt afford any expensiveIhac ny farad toto aslo e.any new books was 42 at that time, and I was bored with re-reading the ones I had at home.everywhere because I couldn' even afford a bus ticket. loved to read, but buyingTheidn't hahavethe ksand There was only one library that was a few minutes walk 43my school or home, but I didn't haveand the time the 44the very necessary money to become a proper member, so for the half hour between the time I left schoolthelose d I wouldproper re toclos y t 45a book and read inside it. I would try to rememberlihbr ariane,sothe page, so that I could continue reading from where I had stopped the next day. One day the librarian书evVeryryd a营理里员)。ouldd continuee re aead ineft. To my great47, she told me that she had noticed I came ing and lent mevery day. She'd also seen me losing myself in books. She was 48by my love for reading and lent meerc acard MymilyThanks to her, I was able to borrow as many books as I like d. I 49 thank her for helping me. Myfamily moved later and I n ever saw that librarian again, but to this day, I can't forget her and her act oft he r and her act ofkind nes that made me feel 50 ina very dark time.( B meD.get41. A. takeB.walkC. makeD.impolite43. A. toCA B.with C.in42. A. interestingB.important C.impossibleD.at44. A. bankC.library①) B.shop)D.pick upD.bookstore)45. A. send upB.get offC. take downD.though46. A. beforeB.afterC.until47. A. sadnessB.surpriseC.worryD.happiness)448. A. moved B.encouraged C.expressed) exD.expected) 49. A. usuallyB.difficultly C.easilyD.reallyyC50.A. helpfulB.fine C.bright D.careful


28.What are the two basic forms of immersive cultural tourism?A. Traditional and modern activities.B.Real-world and digital explorationC.Real or virtual worlds and online platforms.D. Live streaming and augmented reality..



14. Where does the conversation most probably take place?C. At the airport.A. In an office. B.In a restaurant.


some remote workers miss about office work?CA. They can ask colleagues for help.B. They can discuss things at dinner.C.They have no co-ordination cost.D.They have high spirits in the office.