2024届名校之约·中考导向总复习模拟样卷 二轮(六)6英语试卷答案

2024届名校之约·中考导向总复习模拟样卷 二轮(六)6英语试卷答案试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于2024届名校之约·中考导向总复习模拟样卷 二轮(六)6英语试卷答案试卷答案得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


1、2024届名校之约·中考导向总复习模拟样卷 二轮(六)6英语试卷答案听力部分

为多余选项。(共5小题,计5分)Sm Xiao is 31 years old. He is an ele phan lone r He a heep , 5.Sun often studies elephants in the wild. Elephsants ae the lapest aninal gra, leaves and fruit. 52. When it i 12 ye an d, does gi m____Elephants are su ally gray in color. They usually move ia grup and lk ahe nac s 3. He can e sen t the an es ad many khus He maly k hs k fu____Smm, it’s a lifelong career(事业)54. Then he pts a lot of pictures on the Interet. He s aho a____children's storybooks ah out elephants. One of the books, Sum burs, Im Back, tell aa small elephant. Many children like it very much.“The more I learn about elephants, the more I love them, "says Sum. 5hopes people can learn more about elephants and prote et them____

34.What's the function of paragraph 5?A.To tell the convenience of the app.B.To illustrate how the app works.C.To state the importance of the app.D.To show when the app detects sounds.

2、2024届名校之约·中考导向总复习模拟样卷 二轮(六)6英语试卷答案选择题部分

2024届名校之约·中考导向总复习模拟样卷 二轮(六)6英语试卷答案

3.How does the man feel about the concert?A.It was terrible. B.It was average. C. It was pleasant.

2024届名校之约·中考导向总复习模拟样卷 二轮(六)6英语试卷答案

( ) 26. What can best describe the writer?A. Ambitious and faithful.C.Brave and independent.B.Enthusiastic and humorous.D. Sensitive and responsible.